Tuesday, January 5, 2021


Lazily, I recall the brilliant fireworks on display last night and sigh! It is January 1st 2021- beginning of another year….

“HAPPY NEW YEAR, ma. Has the Corona Virus gone?” asks my little one lying beside me. Again I sigh- there seems to be nothing new to my routine of answering these pesky persistent questions. Ha! New Year indeed!


2020- The year that went by is being condemned around the world. Good riddance, hateful year, the worst year ever! The anti-adjectives are endless. However, I want to say a heartfelt “Thank You” to the retreating year. I’ve learnt so much this year for which, I'm grateful.


Surprised? I don’t think so- There are many like me. WE want to say thank you to 2020- the year of the pandemic. It taught us that We Can Survive!

60 days without any domestic help- I survived. Working 18 hours each day to keep the family fed, the house cleaned and the surfaces sanitized- I SURVIVED!

Running a school, a restaurant and an office- all from home was something I never thought was possible. But, we DID it.


Prioritize your health” was the mantra grilled into us by 2020. Everything else- paid work, socializing, commuting etc., all took a backseat. I learnt innumerable ways to boost immunity from innumerable sources. Some are really effective! Eating hot, freshly cooked meals and drinking potfuls of warm liquids became the trend! Even my lazy 8 year old brat learnt pranayama to protect himself from the virus! That’s an achievement, I’d say!

Along came Online School… I definitely learnt more than my kids did! We were pleasantly surprised to find out that my son is a computer genius! Fantastic 2020, right?

Friends who mattered stayed in touch while the others were too busy to call and connect on Zoom/Duo. The world and I discovered true meaningful relationships.

I applaud my friends and family who provided care to loved ones afflicted with the virus. They worked tirelessly to isolate the sick and help them recover. From them I learnt- Selfless Love.


We grieved for those who lost the battle to the virus. Praying incessantly for not just myself but the world; I learnt.

A historic year it’s been. Unimaginable, but not to be forgotten soon. Lucky to have witnessed this phenomena and the way the world emerged from it. Thanks 2020 you’ve made us too – A part of History!

Life is Beautiful

The 1997  Oscar winning film  ‘ Life is Beautiful “ starring  Roberto Benigni   was based on the holocaust. The blackest chapter in Human h...